Our Charter

End users of the EAT LIKE AN ELEPHANT© App can freely download and use the App to look for an EAT LIKE AN ELEPHANT© Partner Restaurant around them. Partner Restaurants agree to propose their clients a meal based on approved EAT LIKE AN ELEPHANT© Ingredients List. Such meals are strictly vegan. Ingredients used in EAT LIKE AN ELEPHANT© meals are edible vegetables, plants and fruits consumed by both humans and Asian elephants. While enjoying a healthy vegan meal at an EAT LIKE AN ELEPHANT© Partner Restaurant, clients using the EAT LIKE AN ELEPHANT© App can scan the QR code on the brochure displayed on their table and decide whether or not they want to make a small donation to support in-situ Asian elephant conservation. All funds collected via the EAT LIKE AN ELEPHANT© App are sent to the Elephant Conservation Center of Laos© to support their Asian elephant rewilding project.

Partner restaurants hereby agree to the EAT LIKE AN ELEPHANT© Charter. The EAT LIKE AN ELEPHANT© Charter describes the process of becoming an EAT LIKE AN ELEPHANT© Partner Restaurant. Each Partner Restaurant accepts to produce one or more VEGAN meals including a majority of ingredients provided by EAT LIKE AN ELEPHANT©. These ingredients are edible vegetables, plants and fruits consumed by both humans and Asian elephants. These ingredients are used to create a vegan meal that will be branded as an EAT LIKE AN ELEPHANT© meal by Partner Restaurants.
The meal is then commercialized and promoted at the Partner Restaurant using the EAT LIKE AN ELEPHANT© Promotional Kit.
Producing an EAT LIKE AN ELEPHANT© meal doesn’t require any payment or subscription from EAT LIKE AN ELEPHANT© Partner Restaurants. The only formal requirement lies in the use of provided EAT LIKE AN ELEPHANT© Promotional Kit consisting of a sticker to be affixed on the Partner Restaurant’s main entry door, on the one hand. On the other hand, a foldable table brochure must be set on the Partner Restaurant’s table used by the client ordering an EAT LIKE AN ELEPHANT© meal. This brochure consists in a short description of the EAT LIKE AN ELEPHANT© Concept, the logo of the Partner Restaurant, the name and description of the meal and a QR code clients can scan to make a donation (‘tip an elephant a banana’) to the EAT LIKE AN ELEPHANT© project.

All donations made via the EAT LIKE AN ELEPHANT© mobile App are sent to the Elephant Conservation Center (ECC) in the Lao PDR via bank transfer on their official bank account. The funds are strictly used towards one of the ongoing conservation programmes undertaken by the ECC and are tagged with an EAT LIKE AN ELEPHANT© notification in the ECC’s accounting system for transparency and traceability.

Funds collected via the EAT LIKE AN ELEPHANT© Mobile App will be used for one or several programmes at the Elephant Conservation Center in the Lao PDR. These include:
– Elephant Rescues;
– Elephant Veterinary Care;
– Elephant Reproduction;
– Elephant Socialization;
– Scientific Research (Endocrinology Lab);
– Environmental Education;
– Elephant Rewilding.